Saturday, May 19, 2012


Evening viewers,

Been a while since I posted, main reason being I am not doing anything railway related. But Ian and I are off to the Epping Model Railway Club Exhibition at Thornleigh on June 9th. We will do a day trip, 8 hour round trip and hopefully catch up with a few of you fellow bloggers. So if you see us stop for a chat. Frankly its the best part of exhibitions, apart from spending loads of cabbage on bright shinny things that we will make dirty interesting things.

The house has been slow going due to inclement weather but with the last few weeks of sunshine things have really picked up.

IMG_2260You’re looking at the train room here from the south side, it is a south western elevation. The western side is 9.5 metres in length the southern is 8.6 metres.

The house is further advanced then this as the next level is on and the roof completed, but it is surrounded in scaffold so you can’t see much. As plans develop I will post them up but really there is still much work to do. Obviously Kurrajong has come to a standstill as well but hopefully I will get some inspiration on the long weekend.

Cheers and hope to see you there.


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